
i am trying to set up the shaper modules, following the istructions that
I found with the linux kernel, without any success, so I have some questions:

- I need in any case two or more network adapter ? (there is nothing 
  to say yes or not into the docs)

- I configured ip_alias, ip_forward and traffic shaper, there is anything else
  I need to activate in the kernel ?

- I follow the man pages and use this options:

shapecfg attach shaper0 eth0
shapecfg speed shaper0 64000
ifconfig shaper0 [my_ip] netmask [my_netmask] broadcast [my_broad] up
route add -net [my_net] netmask [my_mask] dev shaper0

but it does not work.

The main difference is that I am trying on the eth0 dev, and the docs say to
use eth1, so I think I need two network adapters, Am I correct ?

Someone can suggest at least some documentation about this problem (i already
check the kernel documentation and the docs of the shapecfg program).

Thanks in advance


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