Wishing to upgrade my kernel on woody to 2.4.20 I ran
the apt-get install line at the top of the attached
file and everything else is what followed. Apart from
the fact the download was painfully slow everything
seemed to be going alright...

I don't have a initrd=/initrd.img' in my
image=/vmlinuz stanza in /etc/lilo.conf - it currently
looks like


but kind of guessed I could add this in when it came
to editting the file at the end of the installation
process, so thought I'd continue with the process.

So why did dash fail to configure? And how do I get
round the fact that a bunch of things didn't get
configured so I haven't got the new kernel up and
running...? Do I have to get dash configured (how?)
and then the others one after the other (again,
how...?, sorry bit of a newbie really....). And then
what to get the new kernel in place?!

Many thanks....

Simon Tod

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