Ethan Pierce wrote:
> There was some talk on the list earlier today about removing gpm to get
> better results with the paste feature.
> I plan to try this later when I get home from work....but does anyone know
> if taking out gpm will mess up the x server?

Taking out gpm will not mess up the x server, however, if X is
configured to get data from /dev/gpmdata, it will not know from
where to get the mouse movements & buttons.  You may want to
check into that.

> My main goal is just to get my middle mouse button working on my mouseman
> + ps/2 mouse.  The paste does work, unfortunately only with l+r buttons
> combined instead of the middle wheel button.  It used to work in Mandrake
> :( and Ive been so pleased with debian that I wont switch back.
> Thanks for any tips - I have tried XF86Config and xf86setup with just
> about every combination.  So I think Ive exhausted that road of
> possibilities.

Does that mean you've tried every mouse protocol in XF86Setup?

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