
This is tangential to Richard's inquiry, but ....

Has anyone considered distributing Tomsbtrt with Debian? That is one
of the most useful tools I have found.


On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Richard Ingram wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been upgrading Xfree but something obviously went wrong as when I
> boot up now it hangs at the starting Xfontserver startup and does not even
> get to the login prompt. Before I blat over and reinstall debian is there an
> easy way of creating a set of rescue disks ? I just need to edit a startup
> file on my root disk. My system is booted from floppy and mounts the SCSI
> disc. At work we have a Debian system so if anyone knows of a shell script
> somwhere that I could use to create my file system on floppy that would be
> greatly appreciated (I know I could hack one up but we are flat out at
> work), if not it will only take an hour or so to reinstall :-(
> Thanks.
> Richard.
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