On Tue, Jul 25, 2000 at 07:53:20PM +0000, Paul Phillips wrote:
> Under debian frozen, kernel 2.2.15.
> Somewhere around a week ago, fetchmail started hanging on me.  After
> fairly thorough investigation I'm still not sure just what changed to
> cause this, or even whether it's client side or server; though, I think
> it's something on the server, because I didn't change anything that I'm
> aware of, and a different pop server looks to be working.  If it is the
> server, I still need to work around it...
> The behavior is this:
> orbit:~> fetchmail --all 
> 79 messages for paulp at pop.ricochet.net (325997 octets).
> reading message 1 of 79 (3312 octets) . [and now hang here]
> Eventually it times out.  The first message gets delivered locally at that
> point, but not deleted from the server.  I thought it might have something
> to do with the message itself, but I manually deleted the first one that
> caused this from the pop server and it didn't help.
> When I telnet to the pop server directly, everything looks fine; messages
> will display, are properly dot-terminated, etc.
> Any clues appreciated.
> -- 
> Paul Phillips      | The good Christian should beware of mathematicians [...]
> Everyman           | The danger already exists that mathematicians have made a
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and confine
> slap pi uphill!    | man in the bonds of Hell.  -- St. Augustine
This isn't a solution, but if you supply the -v option to fetchmail, you
will get a very verbose output of the negotiation between your machine
and the server.  It has helped me a couple of times to work out
fetchmail problems (and -v -v will give you even more, though I've
never had occasion to use this option).  Try man fetchmail...

Martin Hillyer
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Wedding is destiny, and hanging likewise.
                -- John Heywood

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