
1.) Actually, I do an 'apt-get update' _and_ a 'dselect update'

2.) After apt-get has installed the woody package, I recomment the woody
lines in sources.list.

3.) Then, I do another 'apt-get update' _and_ another 'dselect update'.

In that order. apt-get seems to just accept the new package. I even do
an 'apt-get dist-upgrade' afterwards sometimes, with the woody lines
_commented out_ and apt-get passes over the woody versions.

Maybe it's overkill. Maybe it's just voodoo. But so far it seems to have
kept me out of trouble. Knock on woody.


Ross Boylan wrote:
> Do you do apt-get update first?
> Doesn't apt get confused afterwards about what the most recent version
> of each package is--for example looking for the woody versions?
> On Wed, Jul 26, 2000 at 01:02:15AM -0600, montefin wrote:

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