On Wed, 26 Jul 2000, Andr? Dahlqvist wrote:

> > My first problem is that after the recompile and setting up lilo,
> > when I reboot my computer, every single module fails to load because
> > of a huge number of unresolved symbol errors.
> It sounds like you forgot to install the modules, or installed them in
> the same directory as the old modules. Modules reside in
> /lib/modules/KERNEL_VERSION. When installing new modules you should
> either remove or move the old directory before running modules_install.
> So ifyou have a directory named /lib/modules/2.2.16 you could rename
> that to /lib/modules/2.2.16_old and then run modules_install.
> After I went back to the original kernel, I'm having problems with
> vfat.o and fat.o.
> Probably because you overwrote the old modules with the new ones, and
> the kernel you're running now wasn't compiled at the same time as these
> modules.

Then why not try moddep -a -e?


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