Hi there,
         You can actually install the XFree4.0.1 release from the binaries
on the XFree86.org site. All works like a dream, you don't need to compile
from source! However it screws up the package management of course! But so
does compiling from source!
Also I suggest that one runs 'update-rc.d -f xfs remove' before you
install the font server. Otherwise make sure that you have a rescue/root
set around. Just my two pennyworth...

Best regards JohnG

John Gould - Systems Support Engineer
Power Innovations Limited
Tel: +44 1234 223002 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No Windows here, 's very dark!
32865e97b5342e762ab140e00f3da23b - Just 'Debian'

On Mon, 31 Jul 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > Could not init font path element /usr/local/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/,
> > removing from list!
> > Could not init font path element /usr/local/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/,
> > removing from list!
> I did the same thing you did and I get those same errors.  It doesn't seem
> to hurt anything so I always ignored them.  Probably not the answer you
> were looking for but it's better than being ignored.
>               Ian
> -- 
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