On Sun, 6 Aug 2000, Christopher Mosley wrote:

> Don't know when and where this thread began. So this might be irrelevant.
> I suppose you could write a wrapper for viewing, but  "MOST" automatically
> uses the two column format used in binary editors with dots for 8 bit chars
> when it comes upon a binary file. Doesn't "LESS" simply replaces 8 bit
> chars with a dot. I'm not sure but lynx might be able to be setup for 7 bits
> the 128 column being knocked off, displaying the 7 bit char left, I seem to
> remember this but I am not really sure. To tell the truth  I don't use the
> console, didn't know the display was destroyed when viewing binary files -
> really ? - no way around this? 

> I see the problem is escape sequences that change the character of
> the terminal. Less on this sparc solaris asks if you want to view a 
> possible binary. This doesn't happen on debian. Though when this less
> is used on a certain file it doesn't change the terminal as cat does on the
> same file. Anyway I have got to read the *howto* on the
> *console_and_ keyboard*.

> I see two ways of approaching a wrapper for cat using "FILE" program.
> using a script with a name other than cat that simply looks for keywords
> in the "FILE" string. For instance although "executable" might be found
> "script"  would negate this. The other aproach would be to use cat or any
> program as the parameter. Prompt > scriptname cat file. This could be used
> for another viewer, perhaps "less". But I'm still not quite sure why
> someone would use a piss poor file viewer like cat on files whose identity
> is not certain, when it would be far easier to use for instance "MOST" as a
> viewer.  

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