Thanks for the help, I downloaded kernel-headers-2.2.15 and found the
header file there.  I had the chmod the script (debian/rules) to 755, and
then make install the module -- the last aren't on your list of
instructions, but I worked that bit out.

 Now everything is working fine!



|                                                | 
| (sorry about all the confusion, but this is my |
|  new, permanent address!)                      |

On Sun, 6 Aug 2000, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:

> On Sun, 6 Aug 2000, Patrick Cherry wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Has anyone had any problems with installing the sound module for the
> > Aureal Sonic Vortex2?
> >
> > I've downloaded the source from and applied the patch
> > supplied from .  Followed the instructions
> > to the tee, and it hasn't worked...
> > 
> Somebody sent me a couple of corrections to my instructions but I can't
> remember if I updated the page or not.  I'll go and check.  Even so, the
> instructions should basically be good and I have heard of successes.
> > When the package compiles I get an error saying that `linux/modversions.h'
> > doesn't exist.  I have tried searching my system for it, and dpkg too, but
> > no luck.
> > 
> Ok, the problem probably is you don't have the kernel source installed.  
> # apt-get install kernel-source-2.2.15
> Then:
> # cd /usr/src
> There will be a tarball here with the kernel source in it.  Uncompress it
> like this:
> # tar xIf kernel-source-2.2.15.tar.bz2
> last step:
> # ln -s kernel-source-2.2.15 linux
> Now you can follow the instructions and everything should work.
> Btw, the reason you have to go through all this trouble is that the driver
> is proprietary.  I was going to ask for permission to include it in Debian
> but Aureal is now bankrupt.  The good news is that there are people
> working on an open source driver (I read about it on Freshmeat or
> somewhere) and after I'm finished working on my existing packages, I'm
> going to check it out and hopefully we can include it in the distribution.

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