On Sun, Aug 06, 2000 at 10:05:08AM -0700, Aaron Maxwell wrote:
> I think it's fine.
> My 1-month-old system came with CorelOS preinstalled.  I used it for a
> week until I changed it to "pure" debian [1].

I too has a similar experience: because slink won't install on my new Atlon,
I installed Corel, which has a newer kernel, then morphed it in almost pure 

I liked the graphical boot manager and kept it, until recently, when I
scratched it installing the new Mandrake on my 'experimental' partition.
I believe the Corel boot manager was based on lilo ( at
 least, it used lilo.conf as config file ) so I wonder if they released
their changes. ( Thinking about it, it could be that they just used lilo as
'secont step' of the boot process, so the answer is probably 'no' :-( )

Anyway, I have one concern about using Corel now : it is based on Debian, but
on Debian Slink, which is getting old. When updating to potato, the Corel
packages will probably broke. Given the current finantial troubles that
Corel is experiencing, I doubt we well see soon an upgrade of their 
distribution (but I hope to be wrong).   


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