This may or may not work for you, but I've always had luck making a small 
(15mb) partition for /boot at the front of the disk and just letting it go from 
there.  Lilo seems to love it no matter the hard disk size... maybe that will 
help you... have a good time,

On Sun, Aug 06, 2000 at 09:17:41PM -0300, Jeronimo Pellegrini wrote:
> :: On Sun, 6 Aug 2000 16:26:14 -0700, Dale Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > I'm running libranet version of debian potato. It uses the 2.2.14 kernel. I 
> > am having a problem with lilo. My hard disk is a 15 gig with the following 
> > partitions
> > /=2500 megs
> > /usr=5000mgb
> > /home=2500mgb
> > /var=1250mgb
> > the rest of the disk is just free space. When I run lilo I get the 
> > following error:
> > debian:/home/dlm# /sbin/lilo
> > Fatal: geo_comp_addr: Cylinder number is too big (1046 > 1023)
> > debian:/home/dlm# 
> > My bios supports large disk access, but when I try to reconfigure lilo to 
> > do that, I get an error that it's unable to install to the boot block. How 
> > would I edit my lilo config file to get lilo to boot from the hard disk? I 
> > even tried installing and configuring a new kernel (2.2.16) and it worked 
> > fine up until I ran bzlilo and I got an error 2 message, something about 
> > being unable to install to the boot directory..
> > any suggestions?      
> > thanks
> Which version of LILO? If it's the one in woody, try
> lilo -L
> (From the man page:)
>  -L     Generate  32-bit Logical Block Addresses instead of
>         C:H:S addresses, allowing access to all  partitions
>         on disks greater than 8.4Gb.
> J.
> -- 
> Jeronimo Pellegrini
> Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil
> -- 
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