Ok, I've decided to stick with Exim for now (I know everyone was waiting to hear that). I've skimmed through the (vast) documentation, but I'm not sure if what I want to do is possible.

I have my own domain, so all mail goes to my POP mail box (not the best setup, but it works, and since my connection is transitory, I don't mind), and I'd like to move that to my local fileserver using Fetchmail. Local delivery using Exim is working just fine, but what I'd like is that ALL mail, unless otherwise specified, doesn't bounce, but goes to my current mailbox.

Right now, all mail to @lore.com goes to my mailbox, and I have Eudora filters running for things like mailing lists and whatnot. I like the ability to setup arbitrary usernames (for signing up for web services, for instance), so I know where my addresses go, and who sells them. Is Exim configurable enough to hand an "bounce" list, for lack of a better term? A file (like /etc/aliases), but one that contains addresses that _don't_ exist, as opposed to ones that do exist, but should be sent somewhere else?

Can anyone give me some hints/pointers on doing something like that? Is it as simple as putting a global redirector in /etc/aliases (like ALL: scriven at the end or something), and just setting up procmail to do the rest?

Thanks for any help!
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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