On Mon, 7 Aug 2000, Dale Morris wrote:

> I just did an ftp installation of 2.2.17 potato debian and I can't run 
> the XF86Setup program. It doesn't seem to be on my machine. I do have a
> working XF86Config file that was generated by the installation script,
> but I would sure like to be able to use the  XF86Setup program. What package
> do I need to apt-get install to have  XF86Setup?

   freeware:~# dpkg -s XF86Setup
   Package: xf86setup                <-------------------------
   Status: install ok installed
   Priority: optional
   Section: x11
   Installed-Size: 928
   Maintainer: Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Source: xfree86-1
   Version: 3.3.6-7
   Replaces: xserver-vga16 (<<, xbase (<<
   Depends: xbase-clients, xfonts-100dpi | xfonts-75dpi, xfonts-base,
   xserver-common, xserver-vga16 | xserver, libc6 (>= 2.1.2), tcl8.2 (>=
   8.2.2), tk8.2 (>= 8.2.2


Staf Wagemakers

email      : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
homepage   : http://www.digibel.org/~staf

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