On Mon, Aug 07, 2000 at 02:50:14PM -0700, Dale Morris wrote:
> I'm tring to install a creative ensoniq soundcard (pci) in kernel 2.2.16.

I have es1371 card (pci).  works here (even joystick finally!).  Is
this the same or do you have 1370?

> It supports the card, I can connect to the volume meter, but I can't

What are you connecting to "volume meter" with.  For a console mixer,
I recommend cam.  Come to think of it, I don't think cam can change
the recording channel... but I still like it.  Gmix is good gnome
mixer in gnome-media package (I have helix; it's in gnome-media
package here.  I assume non-helix is the same if you have that).

> connect to the mixer (this is in gnome panel). When I issue esd as super
> user, it makes sounds.. Anyone know what I'm missing here? I also have
> some yamaha modules oplsa, etc, showing when I run lsmod. If I issue
> rmmod it says the modules aren't loaded. Are they causing any problems,
> should I remove them forcibly. Aaarrrgggghhhh! Getting this soundcard to
> work is difficult. 

I imagine you should remove them.  Why are they loaded?  Are they
automatically loaded at boot?  If so, edit /etc/modules and remove

The sounds that come out, are they garbled?

You're not using alsa are you..?  If you are you're probably missing
the mixer-oss module.  I don't recommend using alsa yet for es1371
card.  I could not get my joystick to work among other things...

Perhaps the permissions on /dev/dsp or /dev/mixer are wrong.  I
believe adding youself to group audio will solve that problem.

Pat Mahoney  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

linux: because a PC is a terrible thing to waste
([EMAIL PROTECTED] put this on Tshirts in '93)

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