I have just tried to upgrade from stable to frozen.
I did apt-get update, which worked except for one timed-out file.
I did it again to get that file.
I then did 'apt-get --fix-broken --show-upgraded dist-upgrade'.
That seemed to go ok but stopped without asking very many
configuration questions, and reporting 47 out of (about) 150
packages not installed.
I  repeated the above command but it reported the same thing.
I then installed some of the 47, with dpkg, and that
seemed to go normally. I then tried apt-get -f install
and that reports Reading Package Lists ... Done
                 Building Dependency Tree ... Done
                 Correcting Dependencies ....
and goes and goes and goes, using 99% cpu, for 5 or 10 or 20
minutes, which is as long as I've let it go before aborting it.

I've installed most of the 47, but am stuck on
tetex-bin. 'dpkg -i tetex-bin' reports 'tetex-bin depends on libz1,
which is not installed'. I can't find libz1, but tetex-bin's
depends, in the package archive, does include zlib1g.

Should I let apt-get run as long as it wants?
Is there a libz1?
Am I done for?

Charles Kaufman
(Please reply directly as I am not a subscriber.)

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