I work with a Debian which takes half the partitions of a disk, and my daughters surf along with a Mandrake that takes the other half of the partitions on the same disk. I boot normally from hard drive with /dev/sda2 mounted as /. They were, up to a few days ago, booting from floppy with /dev/sda1 mounted as /. We shared some partitions, that is : /dev/sda3-ext2 mounted as /espace on that same hard disk, and /dev/sdb2-ext2 mounted as /ziplinux and /dev/sdb4-fat mounted as /zipdos on a zip drive. I recently transfered a lot of stuff between our respective partitions using those shared partitions. I have also copied a lot on floppies. At one point, the Mandrake requested fsck on the zip and maybe other partitions, and I answered yes to all question asked by this utility program. I dont know if it is related, but I cannot boot the Mandrake from the floppy no more. At boot, just after loading of the linux label or rescue label, I get an 0x10 error message (I have also seen 0x80 at one point. QUESTIONS Question 1 : is it fatal ? Question 2 : What matters most are the documents of my daughters. How then can I have the partition /dev/sda11 which is the /home of their Mandrake distrib appear "magically" in the /etc/fstab of my Debian ? Question 3 : If I reinstall either my Debian or their Mandrake, can I still recover my old or their old /home, /usr/local... ? Thanks for your precisious help. At this point, I feel "broken" because I can't find a solution in my readings and I am wearing out. Alain