> I upgraded my machine to potato but in compiling a c++
> program which before used to work with
> g++ -lg++ filename.cc,
> now I need
> g++ -I/usr/include/g++-2/ -lg++ filename.cc

-lg++ links libg++, which are auxiliary, non-standard
convenience-classes that are no longer maintained.
What you want is libstdc++, and you don't need to specify this explicitly
when linking with g++ (as opposed to ld).
> two questions:
> 1) WHy do I need the -I now and

-I/usr/include/g++-2/ might simply include the libstdc++-headers ?
but these should really be included by default.
(are you using gcc 2.95.2 ?)

for example, on my system using libstdc++-v3 (the latest version under

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ > ls <prefix>/include/g++-v3/
algorithm    cfloat   cstddef    ext         istream   ostream    strstream
atomicity.h  ciso646  cstdio     fstream     iterator  queue      typeinfo
backward     climits  cstdlib    fstream.h   limits    set        utility
bits         clocale  cstring    functional  list      shadow     valarray
bitset       cmath    ctime      iomanip     locale    sstream    vector
bu           complex  cwchar     ios         map       stack
cassert      csetjmp  cwctype    iosfwd      memory    stdexcept
cctype       csignal  deque      iostream    new       streambuf
cerrno       cstdarg  exception  iostream.h  numeric   string

(the ones for gcc 2.95.2 will look a little differently)
> 2) The second command doesnt work. It complains
> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lg++
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> though all the libraraies are in /usr/lib. Any ideas?

Felix Natter

  • g++ shashi
    • RE: g++ Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
    • Felix Natter

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