
gcc & g++ are the programs I use most, and often I'm waiting for them
to compile a big project I'm currently working on. 

is it worth to recompile them using more "agressive" optimizations
options (-O3, -funroll-loops, and -march=pentiumpro) ? 

anyway, I tried it, using apt-get to get the sources. Gcc, g++, gnu
objective C and java compilers share the same source. I changed the
compilation options in the "debian/rule" file (acutally "debian/rule2")
and let it run. But during compilation it stopped while compiling
objective c, complaining that some file was missing ("gc.h") ... Does
anybody has any experience with this ? Should I write the mantainer of
the package ? 

I'd be gratefull for any help or pointers on this.



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