On Sun 13 Aug, Daniel Barclay wrote:
> Are there any fixes (or even diagnoses) yet for the following problem?
> Has anyone else even seen these symptoms?

>    - "start ppp0: SIOCSIFMETRIC: Operation not supported"
>      (asynchonously, after something had triggered diald)

This is a 'standard' diald problem. It occurs due to the differences
between 2.0 and 2.2 kernel network interface support. From memory of old
diald list discussions: The metric parameter is no longer supported on
2.2 kernels but the diald code still uses it, producing this
harmless-but-irritating warning. Changing to the newer ethertap mechanism
makes it go away - otherwise you just ignore it and everything will work
just as before unless you are doing something very obscure that depends
on the metric parameter to differentiate cpnnections.
ie in summary - you can safely ignore this if you are just using diald in
the usual way (for bringing up and down a ppp phone link)

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