On Tue, Aug 15, 2000 at 03:37:30AM -0500, John Reinke wrote
> I did some research, and the ip_masq_ftp.o module is automatically compiled
> when CONFIG_IP_MASQUERADE_MOD is selected during kernel config. I already
> have it selected, and the file is in my modules directory. And like I
> mentioned previously, I've tried changing the passive settings on the ftp
> clients.
> I re-read the IP Masq howto at http://ipmasq.cjb.net and I had included
> everything I needed to have in the kernel. I had compiled everything into
> the kernel, with nothing compiled as modules - that shouldn't hurt, should
> it?
> There were a few items that I don't have which were shown at that web site.
> They put a lot of settings in the /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall file on a RedHat
> system. Where would I put that in my potato system, in case some of those
> settings help?
> Here's what my problem is (for those just joining): I have IP Masqing set
> up on a potato system, and everything works through it except ftp. The ftp
> clients on machines on the private network connect to external sites, but
> never are able to get a listing of the files or even retrieve files from
> those systems.

So, just to check... if you go
# lsmod

does it list ip_masq_ftp?

John P.
http://www.mdt.net.au/~john Debian Linux admin & support:technical services

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