On Thu, Aug 17, 2000 at 10:25:10AM -0500, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
> Will Trillich wrote:
> > hmm. i must have some odd video settings. i used your .muttrc
> > settings verbatim [thanks!], and i do see bold items here and
> > there, but still no color. (mc has the same trouble -- monochrome
> > and bold but no color -- although elvis shows colors just fine.)
> > 
> > i'm telnetting in with TERM setting:
> >         % printenv TERM
> >         vt220
> > 
> I wonder if it's your telnet client.  I've found few for Win32 that
> support color well;  TeraTerm Pro does pretty well.  What the situation
> might be on the Mac, I've no idea.

i don't think so. (could be wrong, but...)

for shits&giggles, i do
        setenv TERM linux
and then i see white on blue in mc, but the character set is screwy;
mutt then shows color as well, but escape sequences interfere with
user input. after restoring to
        setenv TERM vt220
i'm pretty sure that my telnet client does color pretty well.

ls --color  ==> rich color set
elvis       ==> plenty-o-colors
tcsh prompt ==> color hiliting just fine

mc          ==> monochrome w/reverse-video and bold
mutt        ==> monochrome w/reverse-video and bold

i bet there's some environment hook that elvis and ls both find/use,
that mc and mutt don't look for (or vice-versa). or just one variable
setting that i'm missing in both monochrome cases...

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