On Fri, Aug 18, 2000 at 10:59:27PM -0500, Daniel E. Baumann wrote:
> Oh o.k.. The reason being is that I read in the manual the apt's cahe is on
> /var, but this is going to be my partitioning scheme (6.0GB drive on my 
> laptop):
> mount point                           size
> swap                                  80MB
> /boot                                 10MB (I like to compile kernels ;P)
> /                                     3.5GB
> /usr/local                            1.0GB
> /usr/src                                      500MB
> /home                                 500MB
> Debian GNU/hurd                                letfover ~400MB
> What do you think?

Well, imho it makes no sense splitting of /usr/src.
Everthing in there is under package control.

/boot                        80MB
/                            60MB
/usr                        2GB
/usr/local                  1GB
/var                        1GB
/home                       500MB

I think it's better to not have /tmp on the same partition than /,
because / is static and /tmp is frequently written to.
If you don't have enough space, I'd link /tmp to /var/tmp and create /var/tmp 
with /var not mounted, so you also have a /tmp, in case /var isn't mounted.

There are so many programs in Debian (all of them going into /usr), so there 
isn't much in /usr/local, except for kernel-sources (/usr/local/src).


     Florian Friesdorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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