Why is it so hard to decline a "recommends" dependency?

In dselect (using the apt method), if I select a package A that
recommends a package B, dselect switches to the dependency-
resolution screen with package B selected.  

If I simply deselect B and exit normally (with Return), dselect 
returns to the dependency-resolution screen with B re-selected.

If I type R to dselect B and exit normally, dselect also
jumps right back in, with B re-selected.

In can exit that dependency-resolution screen with my chosen
selections if I exit using Q (R to deselect B and then Q to exit
to the main screen).

HOWEVER, as soon as I type Return to exit the main screen, dselect 
jumps back into the dependency-resolution scream, with B re-selected.

AGH!  I have declined the recommendation.  WHY WON'T DESELECT

Why does dselect report the Recommends dependency again when you
exit the main screen? 

Daniel Barclay
(Hmm.  A little worrisome:  http://www.junkbusters.com/cgi-bin/privacy
                            http://www.anonymizer.com/snoop.cgi )

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