At 21.29 20/8/00 -0300, Ricardo Gabriel Herdt ha escrit:
>       Debianers,
>     I installed Debian 2.2 this weekend and had some problems with X. 
>During the installation I made a mistake configuring the mouse and decided to
>reconfigure the X using the XF86config. I did it. But, I don't know why,
when I
>boot Debian it initializes the X automactilly. To correct this I tried to
>the runlevel on the inittab file, but it doesn't work. How correct this?

        It's related to the feature/program xdm (as far as I remember). Can't 
you more because I'm under Windows, sorry.

>    And when I start the X window it starts AfterStep, how change this
>defaults? How start another window manager instead AfterStep? How start

        In etc/X11 or similar configuration for X place there is a file called
window-managers (more or less). The order of the window managers you want
to start with is there.

        As you can read, newbie I am.

        Hope that helps,

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