Adding another plea to the thread... I'd like to obtain the best economical sound card for playing MIDI externally, through a MIDI-capable instrument (organ). I have the cable. I've tried it with an ESS1688 and the OSS driver for 2.2 with no success. ("Device not configured" was the best I could get, IIRC) Subsequently, I tried a SB128 PCI, which turned out to be a dud AFAICT -- a repackaged Ensoniq 1371 with *no* on-board MIDI support, the "winmodem" of sound cards. <blech> With the latter I also tried the potato-packaged ALSA driver, so far to no avail. Maybe I should try ALSA with the ESS1688?
Any suggestions as to what I can try next? More importantly, any success stories that I can emulate? Thanks, Jesse -- For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. 1024D/2E3EBF13 Jesse Jacobsen (Grace, Madison WI) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>