Thanks ferret,
I've got 104 key boards on both machines. The mystery is why the two
installs end up so differently.
The machine I'm on now, at home, is 133mhz Pentium. I started with slink
and went straight to potato., then up to woody.
I got a slightly better machine at work. 333mz Pentium II. I've installed
Debian GNU/Linux on it in a number of ways, i.e slink - potato; potato
alone. Potato with dpkg --get-selections from my home machine; potato with
hand-poicked packages. The amazing thing is that I have not been able to
reproduce the elegance of my simple home machine on the one at work.

Anyhow, I'll try the window key and the right alt key when I get there. I
checked the XF86Config and I DID use the 104 key version; maybe I chose
the UK mapping - this might explain it.

Searching further I found that you can check stty -a to see if emacs is
getting 8-bit characters.



On Mon, 21 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Depends on what keyboard map you're using. I'm running xfree86 4.0.1 from
> Brandon's phase1 debs, but it's about the same way under 3.3.6. If you
> have a keyboard with the windows keys you want to select a 104 key
> keyboard; then the window key is 'Meta' and the alt key is 'Alt'.
> > ___________
> > 
> > A related question: The .Xresources seems to get ignored by emacs when it
> > loads, even though netscape pays attention to the .Xresources file. ( I do
> > the xrdb -merge .Xresources, btw).
> > 
> > Any emacs users there? 
> > 
> > Nick.

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