John Pearson wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 23, 2000 at 11:53:18AM +0200, Vitux wrote
> > More stuff:
> > I did a
> > # modprobe ne2k-pci
> > and I get this:
> > ne2k-pci..: PCI NE2000 clone 'Realtek RTL-8029* at I/O 0x20a0, IRQ
> > 9.
> > eth0: RealTek RTL-8029 found at 0x20a0, IRQ 9, 00:00:B4:B8:94:CC
> > #
> > I suppose this means that the modular driver has been installed in
> > the kernel and detected my NIC. So far, great.
> >
> > Wonder why kmod won't autoload it when I do "ifconfig-yadayada up" ?
> > BTW: What does the hex-part at the end mean?
> >
> It has no reason to associate this driver with eth0; you need to
> give it a big hint as to which module to use for the interface.
> Try adding
> alias eth0 ne2k-pci
> to /etc/modutils/aliases and running update-modules as root.
> The hex string is your card's MAC, an allegedly unique
> identifier that is used for packet addressing at the physical
> link layer for machines on your local network.  The first
> few octets probably identify the card's manufacturer, the rest
> are up to them.
> I say allegedly unique because some early clone NICs (back
> when a cheap name-brand NIC might be $300) had cloned firmware
> that gave each card the same MAC, or used ranges that
> had been assigned to other manufacturers; that meant if you used
> bad cards, you might have to sort out which ones couldn't
> share a network.
> MACs are associated with IPs using ARP ("Address Resolution
> Protocol").  You can monitor the MAC-to-IP translation on your
> network with something like this (assuming your network is
> $ ping -c 2
> $ /usr/sbin/arp -a
> You won't see your own machine in the arp cache, because your
> TCP/IP stack recognizes packets addressed to itself and doesn't
> get as far as attempting ARP for local addresses.
> John P.
> --
> Debian Linux admin & support:technical services
> --
I did the alias-thing, and the "ifconfig eth0 netmask up". Now I can ping myself! all packets are returned
(of course), and it seems to be working.
Big Thanks, all you guys who helped me out. 
Think I'm gonna write an addendum to the howto.
Now, to configure the same nic, only this time in a windoh's
Best Regards

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Richard Nixon

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