A quick update:  shortly after posting my original questions last
new KDE2 .debs were made available on tdyc -- these solved the problems
I had been having.  I noted this morning (8/24) that yet again new ones
were up -- these also work fine.  If you don't need KDE for real work
and want to see what's up with KDE2, these newest .debs are ready for
prime time.  I haven't hammered on it extensively, but almost everything
I have tried so far works fine.  It may even be suitable for real work,
but it's too soon for me to go that far.  Konqueror, the new file
manager, web browser, and swiss army knife is very slick.

"Noah L. Meyerhans" wrote:
> THat's not really the case.  They're not official Debian packages, so they
> don't need to follow the release cycle at all.  They are simply built to
> work with potato, and will probably continue being developed (at least
> until the maintainer gets sick of running 'stable').
> noah

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