> On Thu, Aug 24, 2000 at 07:26:05AM -0400, Jonathan D. Proulx wrote:
> > On Thu, Aug 24, 2000 at 12:51:54PM +0300, Shaul Karl wrote:
> > :What are the methods for converting multiple pages html document to other 
> > :formats like single page html doc, ps, pdf, latex, anything else?
> > :That is, if I have 188 html files that are all parts of the same document, 
> > how 
> > :can I convert it into one or more of the mentioned formats?
> not that html is the greatest thing since sliced bread, but...
> why convert from html? it's universally easy for newbies to browse (when set
> up properly) and using a source tool such as wml, easy to maintain...

A single file is more portable (I am not sure I have chosen the right English 
word). That is, it is easier to transfer a single file to another machine 
machine, either for viewing or for printing.

> ps is great for printing (pdf, closely related, is good for true-to-original
> on-screen or print) but there's so durn many utilities to index/crossref
> html files, i'd think you're done already...
> i wish ALL this linux documentation were in searchable, browsable html format
> without having to learn info commands, manpage constructs, & so forth.
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