On Wed, Aug 23, 2000 at 12:38:41AM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
>     So there is another part of the process.  You know what that is?
>     Admitting there is a problem.
>     Something that you, Brian, and loads others cannot admit.  That there is a
> problem in the current spectrum of how mail is handled, a whole that needs to
> be filled.
> > If you aren't part of the solution, then you're part of the problem.  And
> > right now, people are wasting time trying to answer you, instead of doing
> > more productive things.

i have 6 separate email accounts on 4 different servers. i deal with them
all via fetchmail, exim, and mutt, just fine. there's a learning curve
to get started, but once you grok the patterns, you're up and running.

where, in that mix, is there a problem?

oh, the Petulant One doesn't like THE WAY it works. * sigh *

so, THERE is the problem.

as others have said: if you'd like to do it differently, do so.
most of us are quite satisfied with the current state of affairs,
which lulls us into mistakenly believing there is no problem. 

since you are the only one who sees the problem for what it is,
then you are the only one who can move forward on this. (unless
someone has posted an agreement with you on any of this, which
i've missed, if so.) i recommend seclusion in tibet while you
hammer out your code.

if indeed you do put your finger on a newly-evolved need someday,
i hope to god that we never have to thank you for the solution.

have a nice day.

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