Hay all again!

I have a POP3 mail box, into which goes all the mail for the domain
sackman.co.uk. Emails that are for me ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) I want to
download using fetchmail (the mail box is being used as a multi-drop
mailbox). The problem is that using fetchmail's envelope "Received" option
does not work for mailing lists, as it is looking at the last Received field
in the headers which is showing the address that the email was sent to (the
mailing-list server that received the email and then duplicated it).

By examining the headers, I notice that my POP3 mailbox server inserts
another "Received" header at the start of the email, quoting my email

I have read all the documentation I can find on fetchmail, but can not find
anyway of getting fetchmail to look at the first Received header instead of
the last (note: on most emails coming through mailing lists, there are 3 or
4 received headers).

As a result, all email is being download and most of it is being forwarded
to 'postmaster' (which does eventually get to me), which is not how it
should happen.

I would love to know of the details in the .fetchmailrc file of anyone who
is successfully selecting emails for themselves that are part of a mailing
list (or any other information that could help!).



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