> yeah, i think i know what you are talking about. are you sure
> you did it with 5.2? it was a snap with 5.1 .. but i don't see
> it as an option using 5.2 (i.e. running the big so52-..-.bin file)

I didn't have any problems installing 5.2 as a /net install.  However, 
as an act of paranoia, I first created a user soffice, a directory /usr/
local/soffice, and set it to 755 (world read/execute).  I then ran the 
install script as that user (hey, the damned thing has java.  No root 
for it!)


Prof. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.       Smeal 178    (814) 375-4700
These opinions will not be those of Penn State until it pays my retainer.

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