We're having a slight problem with Squid (non-transparent) and Yahoo. When
a browser (either one) is configured for the proxy server, the
photographic images from the news pages on Yahoo do not load. Other GIF
and JPG graphics are loaded normally, but the photographic images aren't
coming through. Once you take out the proxy settings, all is fine. I've
tried putting in yahoo and yimg for the stop list and no_cache ACL, but no

We've tried Squid 2.2.STABLE2 and have now updated the box to Debian 2.2
(kernel 2.2.17) and put Squid 2.2.STABLE5 on this system, it still seems
to be doing the same thing...

Anyone else having this problem? The store.log and access.log seem to show
the right info. This one has me puzzled.

Reponses to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> would be much appreciated!


  Marcus Hecht
  Support Supervisor
  PCEZ.COM (R) - Internet Services
  http://www.pcez.com (R)
  503-639-0828   Ext. 105
  PCEZ.COM is a registered trademark
        for PCs Made Easy, LLC

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