On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 09:27:50AM +0800, CHEONG, Shu Yang [Patrick] wrote:
> Have you guys tried ctrl+alt+backspace to get back to the console instead of
> (i) rebooting the box and (ii) telnetting from another machine to issue a
> init 1!!! If that doesn't work, try ctrl+alt+FX (where X is the number
> representing the console 1 to 6). You also might want to determine the
> reason(s) for the "crashes"...it may be caused by a rogue app or
> something...such feedback to the developers is important as bugs can then
> get fixed promptly and everyone can go about their daily lives again!

or compile in the LOVELY magic sysrq into your kernel, and discover
the joys of:

(yeah - I know you only need ctrl *OR* alt, but I can never remember which
one, so I just use both)

ctrl-alt-sysrq-s (sync all disks)
ctrl-alt-sysrq-u (unmount all disks)
ctrl-alt-sysrq-b (reboot)

those keys work for me about 99% of the time (even when the rest of the
system is crashed) - and only requires a fsck about 1 time in 20 for me :)

lovely thing (although I rarely have to use it (unless it's user error
like trying to run enlightenment and netscape with no swap))

 - Brian

.oO(You know you've been using computers too long when you can actually come up 
with something that can be abbreviated as "lgtkmozembed")

(quoted from GyrosGeie on irc #mashpotato)

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