A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> Greetings,
> At work we run NT but I like to access my home pc.  We use a package
> called KEA as our main telnet/term package.  Does anyone have any
> experience getting KEA to use any sort of ssh?  Alternatively, does
> anyone know of a windows terminal package that is completely freeware
> that can use ssh?  I would really like to shut down my open telnet
> port and use ssh if I can.

There are three that I know of:

* TeraTerm
* SecureCRT

Others have mentioned the first two.  I like PuTTY: it's small and 100%
self-contained.  I've never used TeraTerm.  SecureCRT blows their doors
off in terms of functionality, but it isn't free :(

Note, however, that TeraTerm and PuTTY will only work with SSH v1; if you
need SSH v2 your only choice (that I know of) is SecureCRT.

Phil Brutsche                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstien

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