> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: 03 September 2000 21:42
> To: debian-users
> Subject: Re: newbie question concerning linux install
> On 03-Sep-2000 Paul T.McNally wrote:
> >>
> > Are you contemplating dual dooting between Windows NT and
> > Linux? NT does not like to share the machine with other
> > operating systems. Hard to believe isn't it? I was completely
> > shocked when I tried once. It really changed my perception
> > of Microsoft. I don't know if things will ever be the same now.
> Not hard to believe at all.
> Maybe MicroBilly does not want people to try different OS's.
He does want you to try other OSs, but rather to do it on a permanent
basis.iow, upgrade to Windows 2K, which is a rather nice OS IMO.

Linux still has a long way to go before it reaches the userfriendliness of
Windows, especially in the configuration department (and speed of GUIs,
though that has been improved over the last 2 years it seems, though that
may be me upgrading my system...).

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