Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sun, Sep 03, 2000 at 01:46:51AM -0500, Mike McNally wrote:
> > It concerns me when my machine grinds when I don't know why it's
> > grinding.  I run top and it says find is running.  Why?  I do a grep
> -r
> > find /etc/cr* and the only things that come up run per crontab.
> Crontab
> > shows that all cron routines run around sunup... it's now 1:42 and my
> > linux box with a 24hr old install of debian was grinding at 1:10. 
> is your clock correct?  or perhaps you have anacron installed which
> runs cron jobs approximatly whenever it feels like it.

Make that 5, 10 or 15 minutes after booting (if you use the default
configuration).  See `man anacrontab` and /etc/anacrontab.

> the find process is normal, i think its the locate database being
> rebuilt.  all my debian boxes do the same thing (except at 6:25, i
> don't use anacron)

Olaf Meeuwissen       Epson Kowa Corporation, Research and Development

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