On Mon, Sep 04, 2000 at 09:54:15PM -0500, Wayne Sitton wrote:
> Here is the situation, I'm a Debian user.  The company I work for, so far,
> will only allow Red Hat as it's Linux OS on it's servers.  I need some good
> reasons to justify using Debian.  So I'm asking you guys to help me out with
> your opinions, and Documentation, to prove to these computer iliterate
> people, that Debian is better.

Slower adoption of technology.  Oops.  Just kidding.  :)

Actually, while somewhat true, I'd much rather take the tried and true
Debian distro over the nastiness of finding the proper RPM's these days,
especially with the strangeness of Mandrake RPM's and others floating
around out there.

(A disgruntled RedHat admin at work who uses Debian at home and can't
figure out why the company thinks being able to find people who have
RedHat on their resume' is more important than stable systems... hell,
I'd rather have OpenBSD on the public systems, but that's a whole
different thread.)


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