If they're really computer illiterate just say, debian is so much better and whip out a huge pile of random source code (preferable printed on old dotmatrix fanfold paper) and start pointing at different sections and say, see here, this improves delta-configuration process-scale, etc, just go nuts with jargon. They won't be able to dispute it, they won't know what the hell you're talking about, and neither will you. As long as they never find that out then everything is cool.

Seriously though, I certainly think debian is better than redhat, but I don't know of any hard numbers or testing to back that up. You might have to do some testing to prove that, but that kind of work can be very hard and time consuming.

Debian is easier to keep updated, which is good for security. I think debian is easier to admin in general. Just impress on them how horrible linuxconf is.

The license is a very good point. Its nice to know you can use the software, etc without worrying that you are "Legal" or whatever that phrase microsoft uses/used ("get legal" or whatever). Just follow the GPL, and there are no worries. This argument has let me put several debian systems in what is otherwise an NT ocean (with a few solaris islands). We make unix-based telcom gear (VRUs, calling cards, voicemail systems, etc, but our IT department is fanatically dedicated to having NT on every desktop and server they can, even when that makes our internal network unstable. Our developers are playing with linux, but I don't know if they will win that fight. On really cheap setups we even sell NT VRUs, it is embarassing.

From: "Wayne Sitton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
Subject: Debian vs. Red Hat
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 21:54:15 -0500

Here is the situation, I'm a Debian user.  The company I work for, so far,
will only allow Red Hat as it's Linux OS on it's servers.  I need some good
reasons to justify using Debian. So I'm asking you guys to help me out with
your opinions, and Documentation, to prove to these computer iliterate
people, that Debian is better.


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