Thank you!
Several useful things for me to work on.


"Eric G . Miller" wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 05, 2000 at 05:14:22AM +0200, Helgi Örn wrote:
> > Greetings all ye Debians!
> >
> > I gave it another go; installed Debian 2.2 'potato', this time only a
> > minimal installation although with GNOME, which turned out to be a flop
> > of course:
> >
> > Errors were encountered while processing:
> > gmc
> > gnome-control-center
> > gnome-help
> > gnome-utils
> > gnotepad+
> > gs
> > gv
> > latex2html1
> > libgtkxmhtml1
> > libwraster1
> >
> > When I was asked if the program should give it another try to install
> > these packages I said yes, but I'm not sure if it went through, I never
> > got any other messages about that.
> >
> > GNOME turned out to be one small terminal (without a frame) in the upper
> > left corner of the screen, on a neutral- grey background, nothing else.
> Sounds like X fail-safe mode.  No window-manager, no ~/.xsession, it'll
> give you an Xterm.  You can start a window-manager from that Xterm.  For
> GNOME you'll want one of window-maker, icewm-gnome or sawmill aka
> sawfish.  GNOME seems to work best [or at least is easiest] if you
> install GDM (the GNOME Display Manager).  It's not strictly necessary
> though.  You can find out if those packages are properly installed by
> doing 'dpkg -l [<package>, ...]'. If it's installed properly, the first two
> characters of the line spit out for each package will be 'i' and there
> won't be a third character before the name of the package.
> Just try '$ apt-get install gmc' for instance.  Need help with apt?
> Check the man page, then ask if you're still confused.
> > -----------------------------------------
> >
> > The lp module would not install:
> >
> > Installation failed
> >
> > /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/lp.o : init_module : Device or resource busy
> > Hint: this error can be caused by incorrect module parametres, including
> > invalid IO or IRQ parametres
> > /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/lp.o : insmod/lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/lp.o
> > failed
> > /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/lp.o : insmod lp failed
> >
> > My printer is a parallel port (lp0) Epson Stylus Color 640. I tryed
> > several times, with and without parametres.
> What were the io and irq settings you gave?  I know I set up some things
> in the BIOS for my parallel port (especially the communication style).
> For me, this works:
>         $ insmod parport_pc io=0x378 irq=7 dma=5
>         $ modprobe lp
> You need that low-level parport_pc.o module if you have typical x86 type
> architechture.  The parameters may vary a little, check your MB docs
> and/or BIOS.  When you get the parport_pc parameter correct, put them on
> a line in /etc/modutils/aliases like:
> options parport_pc io=0x...  irq=. dma=.
> Then run '$ update-modules'.  Now '$ modprobe lp' should work.
> > ------------------------------------------
> >
> > wvdial didn't find the modem (I'm used to wvdial 'always' finding the
> > modem on first attempt!) which is a Diamond SupraExpress 56e PRO on
> > ttyS0.
> Well, try running setserial first?  IMHO, pppconfig is much better
> overall.  At least it [pon/poff] doesn't hang around in the foreground
> forever wasting a VT and spewing all kinds of stuff that you probably
> don't care about.
> > -------------------------------------------
> >
> > Window Maker seems to be the default window manager, what happened to
> > fvwm? I can't find it on the CDROM.
> Look for fvwm2.  I thought the old fvwm was still around, but maybe not.
> You can change the system-wide default window manager with this:
>         $ update-alternatives --config x-window-manager
> Just select the number corresponding to the one you want as default.
> This is different than other Linux distributions and earlier versions of
> Debian.  Lots of default things are set up with this alternatives
> mechanism.
> --
> /bin/sh ~/.signature:
> Command not found
> --
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