On Mon, Sep 04, 2000 at 04:08:55PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm a little confused about boot being set, since shouldn't that maybe be 
> hda1, since windows MBR, er... I really don't get that part so well.  The 
> last question is: As of now I'm using a floppy to boot to Linux.  Otherwise 
> the system boots to Windows no questions asked, since I haven't touched the 
> MBR.  If I load lilo into the MBR, and I decide it's not working out for me, 
> is there a quick way to pull it back out?  Much thanks, bye!
> -Chris

Replying to you since I noticed no takers for your mail.

It appears, that you are confused on the MBR issue.  The
Master Boot Record does not belong to any OS per se, and
is used to place the bootstrap code to load any OS. This
bit of code is normally in assembly.

By default, DOS/ Win  places its  own boot strap routine
there at the time of installation.  Linux, on the  other 
hand is more polite and gives you an  option to load the  
LInux LOader (LILO) there or not.  You may opt to do the 
same.  In case you want to load Windows by default  from 
LILO place a line "default=Win" before  "other=....." in 
your lilo.conf. Go through your lilo docs.

My personal advise would be to boot through Loadlin with
the MBR under control of Win.  Loadlin is  DOS software,
available with all Linux distros.  The setup is a bit of 
a hassel for newbees,  but once installed,  you can boot  
Linux through config.sys or autoexec.bat.  (Read loadlin 
docs on how to do it).  Many Window$ software like virus 
scanners and  utilities like  Norton  start grumbling if 
they do not find a valid MS-DO$ MBR,  and the outcome is

If you are an experimenting type, you need  not use  any 
of these and use a third party boot manager.  The choice
is upto you.

USM Bish


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