OK.  I asked for help once before on this.  I now need this fixed so I am
back to it.

I have Debian potato running at this time.  I did use Debian slink working
fine.  I saved the etc and other configuration data off the old slink
system on CD so I could use it to rebuild my system with.  I have
everything set up the way that I had it before and am still not able to
get the Sun xterms working.  I have set the tty0, tty2 and console on the
xterm directory and the debian directory to be readwrite by the world.  I
still get the same error messages.  I have run through all my thoughts on
this and I have not gotten anywhere.  I think the xfs is working but that
is one of the error messages.
Here is the error messages on the console of the bootp computer:

fh_verify: dev/tty2 permission failure, acc=8, error=30
fh_verify: dev/console permission failure, acc=8, error=30
fh_verify: dev/tty0 permission failure, acc=8, error=30

Here is the error messages on the Xterm boot screen:

pexextensioninit: couldn't open default pex font file roman_mcouldn't load
xkb keymap, falling back to pre-xkb keymap
xdmcp fatal error: manager unwilling host unwilling

I hope this helps.

Thanks for any help you can be.

Brian Schramm


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