
I'm forwarding this message again because it didn't seem to get to the
list; I will add a couple of questions.

I recently installed Potato and now would like to set up sound.

I have already read on the mailing list some stuff about installing
sound support but would like to check a few things with you.

Some people say to install from unstable the debs for ALSA and then
run alsaconf.  A couple of questions - I could change my sources to
point at unstable but I don't want to upgrade to woody so how do I get
just the debs for ALSA without upgrading?

Some Howtos I've read say that I should make sure sound is compiled
into the kernel.  How do I tell if sound is compiled in?  Does the
potato kernel come with sound already compiled in?

So, do I only have to install the ALSA debs and run alsaconf and
that's it or do I have to do more to get sound working?

I found on the linuxnewbie site some useful information about
installing the emu10k1 driver from opensource.creative.com
(www.linuxnewbie.org/nhf/intel/soundcards/sblive.html).  This is a
second way that is documented (as far as I can tell) in a better way
(ie. a specific do this, then that, etc) at a level I can understand
so I'm tempted to follow it.

However, what is the Debian way? The debs or creative's way?
(Don't tell me it's whatever works :-)


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