Brien  <Michael> writes:
MO> I've tried several different variations on getting my sound card
MO> driver to correctly initialize thru /etc/modules.conf. I still have
MO> not figured out a good way to do so.
MO> However, I can manually install the sound driver using the following:
MO>    modprobe sound
MO>    insmod ad1848
MO>    insmod uart401
MO>    insmod cs4232 io=0x534 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0
MO> How can I translate the above commands into something that should end
MO> up in /etc/modules.conf?

One easy way to do it, if you don't particularly care about dynamic
loading, is to put 'sound', 'ad1848', 'uart401', and 'cs4232' in
/etc/modules, so they get loaded at boot time.  Then, the only line
you'd need in /etc/modules.conf (or, more likely, /etc/modutils/sound
or some such; run 'update-modules' after you do) is
'options cs4232 io=0x534 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0'.

You might be able to get away with an invocation like
        pre-install sound modprobe -k ad1848 uart401 cs4232
in combination with the above, but I don't know if this will actually
work. :-)  (It says, "when modprobe loads the sound module, load the
other modules first".)

David Maze             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
        -- Abra Mitchell

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