>>>>> "Eric" == Eric G Miller <egm2@jps.net> writes:

    Eric> On Tue, Sep 05, 2000 at 11:10:15AM -0700, Dexter Graphic wrote:
    >> >apt-get install task-helix-gnome?
    >> Does anyone know if the helix-gnome updater will work with 
    >> Debian 2.2? I have the helix-gnome 1.0 CD and a very slow 
    >> connection so it would be nice if I could just update the 
    >> parts of gnome that have changed in version 1.2. 
    >> My concern is that the updater works with Red Hat packages 
    >> rather than Debian packages.

They do have Debian packages (and nice ones at that... I've been
running Helix-GNOME here since shortly after last LinuxTag).

I can't tell you about their binary installer app, but their basic
install script... well, see below.

    Eric> The beauty is, you don't need it. apt will do the job just splendidly.
    Eric> If you want a GUI front-end, I guess gnome-apt works okay (don't know
    >> from experience).  Besides, heard there were some security probs with
    Eric> that thing...

Take a look at that go-gnome script Helix makes you download
first... that on uses apt.  (It edits the sources.list and runs an
apt-get update... then spits out a msg telling you to apt-get upgrade.
The beauty of apt: the Debian-specific part is miniscule compared to
what they do for RedHat, SuSE etc)

Oh, and the security probs are (IIRC) in their binary installer.
Since they don't use that on Debian (that basically does what apt
already does), Debian is not vulnerable (and some msg on bugtraq (I
think) even said so)

Bye, J

Jürgen A. Erhard    [EMAIL PROTECTED]   phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
     MARS: http://members.tripod.com/Juergen_Erhard/mars_index.html
              "vi has two modes the one in which it beeps
              and the one in which it doesn't" -- Alan Cox

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