Dave Sherohman said:
> Does exim have a setting similar to relay_domains_include_local_mx, but for
> local delivery instead of just relaying?
> I host services for a couple groups, and one of them now wants to augment
> its .org domain with the corresponding .com and .net.  I, being lazy,
> would like to be able to set this up by just adding a few more zone files,
> but it's looking like I'll also have to change my exim.conf to...
> local_domains = localhost:sherohman.org:*.sherohman.org:foo.org:*.foo.org:
> bar.org:*.bar.org:bar.com:*.bar.com:bar.net:*.bar.net
> ...and then keep expanding it if/when I start getting other domains under my
> control.

Answering my own question...

After digging through the exim docs, I added

self = local

to the lookuphost router and it seems to work.  The FAQ didn't mention this
option (instead saying that you should have local_hosts do a lookup in an
external file if you're handling mail for many domains), so I'm a little
concerned about using it.  Is setting self to local a bad idea for some

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"So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin." - Matthew Alton
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