On Wed, 06 Sep 2000 18:11:13 PST [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hmm, that's odd.... I tried to set up wvdial just now and it's saying
> that
> /dev/mouse is linked to ttyS0, and sure enough it does seem to.... 
>  could this be causing some of my problems? Is that something 
> that's safe to manually unlink or is there probably some program 
> that set that that I should have a chat with.... I know I have gpm 
> running, is that likely to have done it? The odd thing is I don't even 
> use a serial mouse, I use a bus mouse so it doesn't
> seem to make sense to have /dev/mouse pointing to a
> serial port.... does it?
> anyways, if this sets off any lights or rings any bells for anyone,
> please
> share :)
> -Alice
yep, that was it..... rm /dev/mouse and now chat's a happy camper 

(tried to send this email this weekend and got a message about debian-
user's mailbox being full so my apologies if this shows up twice)

Alice M. Pinard
Casco Indemnity Company

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