>>"Ronald" == Ronald Castillo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Ronald> Thanks for your help..  I'll do that.  I also think
 Ronald> kernel-source should recommend that.  Otherwise, how would
 Ronald> newbies like me do without help from this mailing list?

        Firstly, this is not required for the forthcoming 2.4 series
 kernels. Secondly, kernel-package is an arch all package, and bin86
 does not even exist on any other architecture than the i356, so
 dependencies are definitely out.
        The description of the kernel-source package, the README
 files, the README files for the kernel-package package, the Debian
 FAQ's, all explain that if you need to compile a kernel on an i386
 machine, you need to download the bin86 package. It also appears on
 the Bug list at frequent intervals.I still think people should read
 those prior to compiling a kernel. Not having bin86 is only the
 smallest of gotchas in a kernel compile.

        I strongly recommend that people compiling kernels should read
 these docs ;-)  I repeat: People should not try to compile a kernel who
 do not read docs. Consider this a security feature.

        Thus, this lack of a explicit dependency is by design. The
 requirement is documented enough that people have ample opportunity
 to discover this on their own. 

 He who writes with no misspelled words has prevented a first
 suspicion on the limits of his scholarship or, in the social world,
 of his general education and culture. Julia Norton McCorkle
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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