On Wed, Sep 13, 2000 at 02:53:56PM -0400, Fraser Campbell wrote:
:Jonathan D. Proulx wrote:

:: <some glowing things about install time configuration in debian>

: <some love hate things about the same>

:At work we use almost exclusively RedHat because of the kickstart install
:option.  I can make a kickstart file, put configuration information in the
:post install (of the kickstart) and with one press of the button, RedHat is
:installed, configured and running.  That is not exaggerating (for those who
:haven't done it, press enter at the boot prompt, it installs ... press
:enter when it's done and it reboots and works.

I'm truthfully in the same situation, although I've been less
successful with kickstart.  I'd say it's a beautiful thing 85-90% of
the time (which is damned good)

I keep telling my self that installation is not really the most time
consuming thing I'm going to do with a given system (security
monitoring and remediation is :( but this is why I've not pushed for a
policy change to debian (unlike a lot of places users can install what
ever they want so we have RH, Debian, Slackware, SuSe, and some home
brewed stuff just on the GNU/Linux side (then there's BSD's, Sun's,
DEC's Wins Macs.....))

I think there's a flag to make dpkg accept all default settings (been
meaning to check that man page), so yes a silencer would be a good
thing too.

For the system I'm sitting at though I like the controll.


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